An Example To Follow In Similar Cases In The Future

Otterbox Armor Case - FAIL Drop Test - iPhone Cases

The Purpose of memory_order_consume in C++11

And just like acquire operations, a consume operation must be combined with a release operation in another thread. The main difference is that there are fewer cases where consume operations are legal. In return for the ...

Knox case poised to set powerful precedent in international court ...

If anything is to come out of this long process in the courts, it will be the final outcome that sets an example for similar court cases in the future. While Knox waits for everything to play out, this case demonstrates how the judicial ...

VA Court Delivers Blow To Yelp, Free Speech Of Users

Currently the Virginia decision has no binding force on the laws of any other state but it's a disturbing decision and could be used by similarly situated plaintiffs as “persuasive authority” in non-Virginia cases. ... The concern of people like Paul Levy, an attorney with Public Citizen who filed a brief on behalf of Yelp, is that allowing plaintiffs to easily unmask anonymous speakers on the internet will “chill” free speech and make critics think twice before speaking out.

Rios Montt Trial an Example of National, International Courts ...

Trials like that of RĂ­os Montt can bring stability and justice to Guatemala and strengthen its democracy by reversing the history of impunity enjoyed by its highest leaders. Similar cases have also been heard by national courts ...

Government tyranny vs parental rights in the UK | News Beacon ...

After a weekend hearing at the High Court in London, Neon's future treatment has yet to be decided. But in the cruellest twist ... the NHS claims to follow. But would the UK government really make an example of Mrs Roberts, in order to deter other parents from considering non-mainstream cancer treatments for their sick children? ... than use homeopathy. These stories are only the tip of the iceberg, and each court ruling sets a precedent for similar cases in the future.

Expert Answers on E.M.D.R. -

That is, it takes a disturbing event and processes it in such a way that appropriate neural connections are made within the memory networks, which eliminate those aspects of the event (for example, negative thoughts, unpleasant emotions and physical sensations) that are ... The eight phases of E.M.D.R. therapy begin with history taking, in which the presenting problems and early clinically significant life events are identified, and goals for the client's fulfilling future set.

As Chinese courts announce 'guiding cases,' Stanford Law School ...

Unlike U.S. judges who, under the common law system, must adhere to rulings of higher courts and previous decisions, judges in China's codified law system decide cases by applying statutes and are not bound to follow past court decisions. ... The provisions state that "people's courts at all levels should refer to the guiding cases released by the Supreme People's Court when adjudicating similar cases," but there's no mention of whether or not the guiding cases are ...

The Safety Condition for Knowledge | Internet Encyclopedia of ...

... condition. Following a short demonstration, of the manner in which the safety condition handles some rather tough Gettier-like cases in the literature, some problems facing safety conclude this article. ... Following Nozick, I count as knowing that there is tree in my garden since I would not believe that if none were planted there, that is, in the closest world in which there is no tree in my garden (for example, when none is planted there), I do not believe that there is a tree in my garden.

JMIR-SOMWeb: A Semantic Web-Based System for Supporting ...

However, despite much effort, the adoption of ontologies within the medical domain has turned out to be more problematic and slower than many had hoped [19], and there is a need for successful examples showing how Semantic ... Among the identified needs were the ability to add cases in a more structured manner, to assign cases to meetings both for initial consultation and for follow-up, to view cases allocated to a given meeting, and to search and browse the ...

An Example To Follow In Similar Cases In The Future